Setting SMART Goals

SMART is a goal setting strategy you can apply to each goal to ensure that it is capable of being achieved. Using these parameters for your goals will help you succeed in any endeavor.

(S) Specific: Use numbers or clear ends to define your goal. Say “I am going to increase enrollment by 25% ” versus “I am going to increase membership”.

(M) Measurable: You must be able to measure or track your progress in some way. When you set a specific goal you can measure, you’re sure to be able to see your progress and know when you’ve hit your target. Say, “I am going to increase enrollment by 25% in Quarter 4.” versus “I am going to increase membership this year.”

(A) Attainable: Choose goals that you have accessibility, resources and support to achieve. “I am going to increase enrollment by 25% in Quarter 4. I will do this by leveraging our audience email list; as well as ask the marketing department to help write relevant content.”

(R) Realistic: Ensure that you have everything you need to achieve your goal. “I need an updated email list. I need to partner with the marketing department. I need to block of 30 minutes a week to follow through with this.”

(T) Timely: Establish a clear time frame or deadline for accomplishing your goal. “I block off on my calendar 30 minutes every Friday to work on content.”

(Photo by STIL on Unsplash)


Juggling Multiple Goals


Do Your Goals Support Your Values?