Coaching for Women

Helping you get to a place of balance, control, and making the most of your life.

What if you could reduce stress, regain control of your day, and increase daily energy while also super-charging your productivity and mindfulness? Would you like to feel more calm, confident, and finally in control of your day? Do you wish you could better juggle work, family, and life?

We’ve been through A LOT in the past few years with COVID and its aftermath. It was EFFING HARD but it was also amazing to see what women can endure. Amidst the craziness of living and working through a global pandemic, we discovered we can do so much more than we thought. Through the personalized coaching at Malone Consultants Group, we can continue to build upon your hard work and propel you forward.

At the core of MCG, we believe that you should be able to fully live your life on your terms and not negatively impacted as you excel in your career. Whether you are a leader, an executive, or a busy member of the team, our coaching programs will give you the tools and accountability to re-balance life, boost your resilience, and experience less stress while having more joy!

Ready to grow…

  • You’re exhausted

  • You find it really hard to focus, to be present, or know what to prioritize

  • The more responsibility you have and the "higher" you go, the lonelier you feel

  • Your relationships are taking a hit because you find yourself saying, “I don't have the time”

  • You no longer want to feel disconnected from purpose or real meaning

Not ready…

  • You’re not willing to give up your comfort zone

  • You never lose sleep from feeling overwhelmed and you have more energy than you know what to do with

  • You’re unwilling to evaluate your priorities and change

  • You don’t believe in investing time and resources toward your personal growth

  • Life-long learning isn’t important to you

“MCG coaching acts as a mirror. They don’t tell me what to do, but instead, give me space and confidence to get to the conclusion of things myself.”

— MCG Client

FREE Download: 7 Days to Transform Your Leadership Presence

Being a leader isn't something you take on and off like a coat. Leadership skills and operating from a leadership perspective is something leaders do on and off duty. Learn how to transform your leadership presence with this 7 day guide!

What you can become:

  • You have action plans designed specifically for you that prioritize your time, giving you plenty of space to breathe

  • You clearly know when and how to say yes, no, not now, and why

  • At the end of the day, you feel complete gratitude and any tiredness you feel is deeply satisfying because you know you showed up how YOU wanted

  • Even in the days that are shit, you are able to find joy in your purpose or job and have a long-term vision to rest easily in

  • It doesn't matter if others don't get you because you have created a Wisdom Counsel that 100% understands and honors your PERSONAL POWER

  • You have deeper relationships in your personal and professional lives

  • You have certainty in "who" you are and confidence in your voice

  • You are assured that any role you take is the one for you, whether it’s right now or in the future

  • You experience more JOY, peace, and gratitude that grounds you, and because of this, you have so much fun in your life

MCG Coaching Programs

Our coaching programs are designed for deep feeling, energetically sensitive women in leadership positions who want to navigate the corporate world with confidence and ease, without sacrificing their whole self.

Right now is the BEST time for innovative coaching. The world is shifting into a post-COVID, new normal and the landscape for working women has begun to change drastically. As we prepare to go back to an office setting, there is a desire to continue hybrid-type work environments. So, why shouldn’t your coaching experience be the same?

We strive to make our services accessible to your unique needs through our signature programs below. We can’t wait to work with you!

A 4-Month Collective for Lifetime Growth

The Glow Project | An executive women’s collective set on imagining the unimaginable: true joy in leadership.

This is an intentional program for high-performing women to support their journey of finally identifying and recognizing what’s most important to her. This is not just an exercise to walk through and forget. We will structure a framework to truly get to the core of what brings you joy at work and in life. This includes healthy boundaries, a sense of connecting with self, and a feeling of calmness like never before. And the cherry on top? You get to go through this with a group of women who KNOW what you’re talking about. They, too, are craving this kind of experience.

Join us as we embark on a journey of small win after small win to experience an amazing transformation toward joy.

Welcome to The Glow Project where we’ll Grow + Glow. Together. Learn more about The Glow Project experience here or book a free consultation below.

1:1 Coaching

Individual Coaching

For even more support on your journey toward fulfillment and joy, Alison takes on a limited number of 1:1 coaching clients. Book a consultation with Alison to see if this is a good fit for your growth goals.

Self-Guided Programs

Workbooks and Resources for Living and Leading.

Our downloadable workbooks and resources are designed to provide you additional support around your career, leadership presence, and life. We will release self-guided programs throughout the year so subscribe to our newsletter for updates and instant access.

“I am fulfilled, living my passion, and making a difference in my community. I am now the founding Executive Director of a non-profit organization, instead of a broke, single mother. I’m living the life Alison helped me to identify that I wanted to live.”

— Judith Yanez, Executive Director, RootED NWA